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about clockwork

clockwork is the name of the little framework i use to display all of those glsl visualisers that you see on the graphics pages. it’s more or less a shadertoy clone, rendering a fragment shader onto your screen, with some additional features:

ultimately most of this isn’t really intended to be used by anyone other than me (or rather, im not gonna write any docs) but i dont obfuscate any of the javascript so you can download it if you like or otherwise inspect element and poke around and see how it works. you can also just ask me about it if you like

special thanks to paperdave for helping me get started with glsl in the web and MageAthena for the inspiration to do something similar to xem :)


outside of the name, each shader has these parameters:

as mentioned, visualisers can define their own parameters, and if they have you can see them on the pages on this site that list them. all parameters outside of the visualiser name have a default value. to specify your own value, just add &parameterName=value to the end of the url. e.g. &speed=2

there are currently 4 types of parameters:


visualisers can display text for funny devious little purposes ;)

when you view a visualiser that has text specified in the url, you are shown a screen that tells you exactly what text will be displayed, and can choose to view the visualiser either with the text or without it. this is so people can’t deviously sneak things you don’t want to read in there. please be safe!

to specify text, use the text parameter. use | as the separator between messages and + as a replacement for space. for example, &text=really+cool|paragraphs+here will cause the text to cycle between two messages, “really cool” and “paragraphs here”. be default, it will display a message for 2 seconds, then not display a message for 1 second, and then display the next for 2, etc

there are a lot of text related parameters, and here they are: