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Hypnosis Notes

one day i want to write a slightly more in-depth blog post about my experience with hypnokink and how i was hesitant to start but eventually ended up finding it one of my most fulfilling kinks. for now, here are some random notes.

stuff to check out first

learn hypnokink: https://www.learnhypnokink.com/
is a good first resource.

i’ve used Mind Play by Mark Wiseman as a resource early on for looking into how to do specific inductions, deepeners, suggestions, triggers, and so on. im sure it’s fine at talking about it as a whole though.

further reading i’ve found helpful is Kinky NLP by sleepingirl: https://sleepingirl.gumroad.com/l/ekOPj

first time induction

tell them hypnosis isn’t mind control and your aren’t unaware of what’s going on

notes you want to hit for first time fixation:

  • obviously relaxation. fixation is probably the best to start with because you can give indirect suggestions about heavy eyelids
  • outside world becoming less tangible or less important or fading away, only a few things to focus on (fixation target and my voice)
  • thoughts of their own both slowing down and sticking around less (passing by overhead like clouds in the sky or whatever)
  • focus on voice

after first going into trance you can ask what metaphors work best to describe it and then work it into there e.g. fuzzy or cosy or hazy or staticy

outside of regular deepeners once you know the above you can talk about increasing the intensity (fuzzier, hazier) when you mention dropping deeper

safety things worth talking about:

  • general “if you feel uncofmortable with it then it doesnt work”
  • making sure that the only people who can use those triggers are people that they trust and are consciously using it
  • time gating (just for tonight/the scene)
    • so combining a lot of these: “just for tonight, when we’re alone in a safe place”
  • discuss a safeword, and let them know both before and during trance that they can use it if they feel comfortable
  • bag metaphor maybe? suggestions they dont want can be put in the bag and dont work until they choose to take it out. i dont really use this but ive read it once or twice

make sure you have these safety discussions before you do it! it will help them be more effective if you do.

when you’re done it can be useful to conceptualise triggers that are time gated as “memories you will think of fondly” to maybe build on later. you can always remind them of how they felt in the next session. in general you want to specify for safety’s sake that these things will not be affecting them literally all the time, as hot as the fantasy is

general notes

don’t use something with a distinct make or break for first time subjects, so no butterfly induction etc, or if you’re doing pocket watch just say to close your eyes when ready instead of dropping the pocket watch

while in trance get then to imagine how it would feel. e.g. make them think about how it would feel to have their hand stuck to something before bringing them up and getting them to do it.
e.g. for sleep trigger, feeling like they’re starting to drop

a lot of it is just metaphors for people’s brains to get, and talk about how they perceive it. when they imagine something, do they feel it or see it? and what the appeal is for them

when doing fractionation, when finished, count them up again with a longer number


you want to say stuck a bunch over the course of it. also get them to imagine what it might feel like, like above

when you say stuck, tap or lightly push it in to reinforce it

it works better initially with fingers interlocked because they’re also mechanically interlocked as well


similar notes to above. how i word it specifically:
“when i say freeze all your voluntary muscles lock and you’re fully aware. i can position you how i like as if im playing with a doll. if i tap your lips i toggle whether i allow you to speak”

IMPORTANTLY: you can blink breathe balance and safe word without my say so. dont make them unnecessarily uncomfortable! it will take them out of it!

changing states of mind (puppy play, bimboification, etc)

this can be a lot of things to a lot of different people. most files are kind of vague with some of these things: a lot of puppy play ones i looked into to have an idea of how to do it didn’t really describe specific changes being made and mostly relied on what the listener thought. then again, they ARE files, which obviously don’t have the benefit of asking the listener what they want out of it beforehand.

whats especially important is that you dont want to accidentally make someone plural or give them an alter through this, so theres some rules i keep in mind: i describe it as temporary, and like a switch being turned away from its default, and i dont give names to these states of mind unless theyre already being used in some significant way.
e.g. if i am doing pup play and they already have a name they use as a puppy, i dont feel bad about using that name. but im not going to give them another name for that state of mind.

spiral fascination

one thing ive done in the past is make a specific colour of spiral something that will immediately trance someone if shown. its fun! this one is tricky because it can be fun to actually use a spiral as a fixation induction, which can be more gradual, and this is like instant and the two are mutually exclusive so you will probably want to gate this one somehow, hence why i make it a specific colour.

make sure you specify that ITS ONLY WHEN I SHOW THE SUBJECT and to lock it in to certain times or when they desire it because otherwise they will accidentally look at it in some other context and soft lock themselves. like at a concert.

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