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Why a Notes Page?

So there’s a few reasons that I have this section of my website! For one: I want to. har har. But WHY???

So I have this website. I have it to share the things I make. But I want to move off of social media, and I want to replicate things I like about that without imitating its flaws. And I think these flaws are:

  • Everything feels like marketing. I want to do things that don’t feel like marketing.
  • Posts are treated in a way that feels ephemeral. Most people are not engaging with old tweets on the website, no matter how much we post about witnessing the beginning of a #DarkUniverse. Most people use Twitter, cohost (RIP), and the like as a way of chucking things into the void, and tweets and their threads aren’t good ways of preserving or recording information. This notes page is just going to be an index of stuff I want to save though, so it doesn’t do this.
  • I don’t want these notes to have the same importance as other things on my site. I just want to write things that might be useful to other people some time, or that are ways of me writing nonfiction without putting in as much effort as the blog. It’s not Content, it’s just notes.

I want to make this into a little library. Share things that are some level of important to me, even if only a bit, without it needing to be a Big Thing. So yeah. Notes page.

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